Follow our guide for a simple process in selecting your Baby Boy's Name!

A person's name is something they will carry with them for the rest of their lives. Selecting a Baby Boy's Name is an important, but often difficult decision for many parents. This Guide gives You a A Simple Method for Choosing the Perfect Name for Your Baby Boy !

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Have FUN!

Your own Baby Name Generator - Software that could Create The Perfect Name for Your Baby!

Choosing a name for your baby is the most critical decision you have to consider. It is very exciting and quite difficult at the same time. During the pregnancy, you will spend many hours trying to decide on the baby's name. You have to choose and select from a huge names list and consider suggestions from family, friends and other relatives...

In fact, you are going to face a really big challenge.

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The Baby Name software does all the work for you. You decide the origin of your baby's name, the name's length, a sound to include inside, a rhythm filter, applying the alliteration... and the software will search the database and give you the perfect baby boy name.

Baby Name software is the combination of a smart and sophisticated search engine and a HUGE names database of over 30.000 names!


Sci-fi is the latest source for unusual baby names!

FORGET movie stars, family tradition or even the Bible - sci-fi is the latest source for unusual baby names.
A new book, Sci-Fi Baby Names, offers 500 suggestions from the world of Star Trek, Superman, Dr Who and The Matrix.
If you are a Trekkie, there's Tuvok, after a Vulcan character from Star Trek: Voyager, or for a girl, perhaps Amidala, after Natalie Portman's character in the newer Star Wars movies.
Parents in Victoria have embraced names of characters from The Matrix and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
There have been 18 Neos, 133 Xanders, 273 Trinitys and 158 Willows born in Victoria since 1980, according to the Victorian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages.
Trinity and Neo were both characters from The Matrix movies, while Xander and Willow feature in the cult TV series Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Some parents just choose a name of their favourite movie or book character, actor, singer or sports star because they have qualities they admire or they simply warm to them. Sci-fi inspired names were becoming more popular because science fiction had become more mainstream. Male fans often wanted to name their children after famous sci-fi characters, but their partners usually stopped the idea.
Scott Liston, committee member of Star Trek fan club Austrek, said he had met a fan who called his son Damon Jean-Luc -- Damon is the Ferengi (an alien race in Star Trek) word for Captain and Jean-Luc is for Jean-Luc Picard, the captain of the Enterprise in Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Mr Liston said if he had a son, he would like his middle name to be Tiberius, not for the Roman Emperor but after Captain James Tiberius Kirk (played by William Shatner).
Peter Jordan, the director of Australia's biggest Star Wars fan club, Starwalking Inc, said many fans had a fleeting wish to name their children after their favourite characters but settled on more conventional names.
"You've got to take into consideration that this kid has to live with the name for life," he said.
"If someone called their kid Jar Jar (after Star Wars character Jar Jar Binks), I think they'd have serious issues."
Mr Jordan said Luke (after Luke Skywalker) was on his baby name shortlist.
"And I jokingly say that if we ever had twins, I'd put my vote in for Luke and Leia."

"When you don't really know what you are looking for, but you'll know it when you find it!" Let Nymbler start finding names for you!

Nymbler is a unique personal naming assistant. Another simple way of chosing a perfet Baby Boy Name - smart baby name guide that responds to your personal taste Nymbler!

Just choose a few names that appeal to you, let Nymbler offer ideas or type your own choices.
Then press "Find Names" and Nymbler will start using its expert knowledge to brainstorm names tailored to fit your style.

Nymbler combines human expertise and artificial intelligence to sift through thousands of names and find the ones that fit your taste.

Nymbler Creators:
Laura Wattenberg is a name expert and the author of The Baby Name Wizard. Her specialty is analyzing name style-sorting out the dozens of influences that might distinguish Marvin from Mason or Daphne from Darlene. Through years of research she has compiled a huge portfolio of name information. Each name is categorized on everything from ethnicity to historical popularity to soap opera appearances.
Icosystem is a Cambridge, Massachusetts technology company. Their Hunch EngineTM solves the dilemma of searching "when you don't really know what you are looking for, but you'll know it when you find it." The Hunch EngineTM is a smart system based on a genetic algorithm. Given information on options and taste, it identifies subtle patterns and makes personalized suggestions.
Together, these two experts set out to create an intelligent baby-naming tool. They trained the Hunch EngineTM on Laura's storehouse of name data and analysis. They taught it to understand names, to pick up on the trends and style cues that you'd notice yourself-and maybe some you wouldn't.
The result is Nymbler, a unique personal naming assistant. It's an expert system that learns about your taste and helps guide you to new ideas.

Have fun!

Top Baby Names Announced

Just before Mother's Day every year, the Social Security Administration releases the top baby names of the previous year. This data is compiled from social security card applications around the country for babies born in 2007. The top baby names are always wildly popular.

Baby Boy Names

  1. Jacob
  2. Michael
  3. Ethan
  4. Joshua
  5. Daniel
  6. Christopher
  7. Anthony
  8. William
  9. Matthew
  10. Andrew
More top baby boy names.

Where Should Your Babies Name Come From

By keishon martin , 2008-05-02
A person, place, or thing can become a serious question. As A baby born today is as more likely to be named Brooklyn or Jordan as to a Stacy or James. To be named after a place can be unique, or they can seem like a fad or simply just silly. So how does a parent simply choose whether or not to use the name of a place for their child, and where did this trend come from?
Well actually the use of place names is ancient. Where Leonardo DaVinci is a great example. The man’s given name was Leonardo, and DaVinci was a descriptive term to say that his father was born in the city of Vinci in Italy. Although DaVinci wasn’t a formal, given name, it does show that the idea of place names as personal names is not new.
The more recent trend in naming kids after places seems to have been sparked, as most naming trends are, by soap operas and celebrities. Dakota and Montana were big back in the mid nineties, but others have climbed up to take their spot.
But to tell the truth I would advise against place names. Then again there are a few exceptions to this rule by some names that have been accepted for several generations, or place names that started off as personal names. However, for the most part, place names tend to tie a child to a certain location, and if that location is Camden, New Jersey, you may want to think about it, cause that is not a nice place.
A huge no no with using places as names for children is respellings. If the name is a familiar place name, it will be pronounced the same way, regardless of spelling. But A new spelling can be confusing at best.
Following are place names categorized by my own personal standards.
Traditional Place Names
These names are place names that have been in use as personal names for years. They share the common trait of sounding familiar as given names.
  • Beverly
  • Chelsea
  • Darcy Technically, this is D’Arcy, as in 'of Arcy'.
  • Devon
  • Erin
  • Florence
  • Georgia
  • Israel Technically a personal name, although, of course, the place is better known.
  • Jordan
  • Kent
  • Kimberly
  • Lorraine
  • Sydney
  • Troy
  • Virginia
Popular Place Names
I am not crazy about most of these names (although a few do appeal to me) but they have gotten enough use to be somewhat mainstream. I still suggest caution.
  • America
  • Arden
  • Arizona
  • Asia
  • Aspen
  • Brittany
  • Brooklyn
  • Camden
  • Caspian
  • Cheyenne
  • China
  • Dakota
  • Dallas
  • Dane
  • Denver
  • Eden
  • Geneva/Geneve
  • Houston
  • India
  • Italia
  • Jamaica
  • London
  • Madison
  • Milan
  • Montana
  • Nevada
  • Paris
  • Phoenix
  • Roma
  • Sahara
  • Savannah
  • Shiloh
  • Siena
  • Valencia
  • Venetia
  • Verona
  • Vienna
Please Don’t Use These
Every name here is one I’ve at least seen suggested or considered or even used on baby name websites. I strongly, strongly advise against them.
  • American
  • Antarctica
  • California
  • Florida
  • Havana
  • Hawaii
  • Irak
  • Irania
  • Kansas
  • Kashmir
  • Korea
  • Labrador
  • Madrid
  • Malaysia
  • Jersey
  • Ohio
  • Saruc
  • Tuscany
  • Utica
  • Vegas
  • Whyoming
Here are four hints for how to avoid the most common mistakes that parents make in finding a name for their new baby. Use these considerations to help you find the perfect name.