Follow our guide for a simple process in selecting your Baby Boy's Name!

A person's name is something they will carry with them for the rest of their lives. Selecting a Baby Boy's Name is an important, but often difficult decision for many parents. This Guide gives You a A Simple Method for Choosing the Perfect Name for Your Baby Boy !

Biblical Baby Names

What is there to say about a biblical name, or any name for that matter, that could make it so important?

Names are an integral part of our identity. A child's name affects his or her self-perception and reflects the parents' beliefs and cultures. A name pays tribute to the individual spirit and is one of the first wonderful gifts you can offer your child. A biblical name gives a baby a connection to spirituality that may be a springboard to finding spirituality later in life.

That's a pretty good reason for prospective parents to consider the names in the bible. and see what a treasure trove of names might be between the covers!

For example the girls name Dannah literally means "judging." It signifies a woman who stands for justice and fair play. Ivah means "overturning," and it is a reminder that faith can move mountains. Zaccai means "just," or "seeker of justice."

The boy's name Asher means "happy" or "blessed." Barak, a name currently very prominent because of the senator from Illinois, means' "flash of lightning," and the spiritual connotation is "powered by God." Jakim means "God lifts up," and it symbolizes a man who lives his life as an example to other people.

Quite a remarkable group of names. "Classic Biblical Baby Names" is filled with examples of names like these, spelling out their literal and spiritual meanings, and how the names crop up in different biblical stories. Some of the names are quite well known, such as Adam, Paul, or Elizabeth; others, like Darius or Calah, are much more obscure.

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